
A list of useful resources to complete your French learning on your own.

You Tube channels

Why do we love this? First of all, it's free, and you have access to so many topics! Subscribe to YouTube channels about your favorite topics and watch them during your lunch break or at least twice a week in the evening. Don't forget to make your list! We also follow astronomy channels, cooking channels, humor channels, and so much more! Find something you love that will motivate you! Click on the section you are interested in.

E-book with paper version

Check out some exciting books and find the audio version. Then, follow by reading to focus: your brain will associate the word your eyes see with what it can hear with your ears. 

You can choose classic authors like Voltaire (one of my favorites!), Alexandre Dumas, Victor Hugo, Balzac, and so many more. You can also choose more contemporary options like Bernard Werber and Amélie Nothomb and specialize in some topics! For example, we read many books about politics, archeology, and the environment. You can choose animal books, psychology, gardening, art, technology, cooking, or even magazines and what we call "BD".  Don't limit yourself to a big old (soporific) book!

TV Shows and movies

Finally, watch TV SHOWS and movies as much as you can. Even with English subtitles first and then French subtitles. Ask us our movies list, it's too long to fit there ;) 

Here is a list of TV Shows we highly recommend! 

_ Bureau des légendes  (spy)

_ Ovni(s) (comedy)

_ Des gens biens (dark humor)

_ Au service de la France (sarcasm and ironic!) 

_ Lupin (suspense)

_ Plan Coeur (RomCom)

_ Dix pour cent (comédie dramatique)

_ Family business (stupid but fun)

_ Maison Close (historic, drame)